Wednesday, 6 April 2016

when can i introduce a pacifier or dummy to baby?
It depends. If you're breastfeeding it's a good idea to wait until your baby's at least six weeks. This way, you can establish a good breastfeeding routine first. This is important because experts think that dummies may cause nipple confusion.

Sucking a dummy is a very different action from breastfeeding. Swapping from one to the other may confuse your newborn, making breastfeeding more difficult. However, some babies do seem to cope with both the dummy and the breast, so it can very much depend on your baby.

Most babies don’t need a dummy. They'll be content with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, and lots of cuddles. However, some babies do enjoy sucking on something for added comfort. Your baby may even find her thumb to suck soon after birth.

If you do choose to use a dummy, look for an orthodontic model. These are better for your baby's developing teeth and gums. Latex dummies are softer and more flexible than silicone ones, but they don't last as long.

Buy a few dummies so you can switch them often. Be sure to sterilise them before giving them to your baby. Some come with holders to keep them clean when they're not in use. Check your baby's dummies regularly and throw them away at the first sign of wear.

It's best to start weaning your baby off her dummies from about six months. This should avoid any effect on the way her teeth grow and develop. Using a dummy past 12 months isn't recommended. Try not to worry if your baby still uses her dummy past this age, though. Limiting use to when your baby's upset or over-tired may help to gradually wean her off it.

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