Monday, 15 August 2016
Monday, 8 August 2016
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Friday, 15 April 2016
Friday, 8 April 2016
Baby Rash and Problem
What’s a rash or skin problem for a baby?
Your baby or toddler’s skin is a billboard for what’s going on in the rest of her body — changes in it can be caused by anything from a food allergy to psoriasis. Most of the time, a rash or breakout is a perfectly normal occurrence, but occasionally, it can be a warning that there’s something more serious going on.
What could be causing my baby’s rash or skin problem?
There are as many causes of skin outbreaks as there are cute nicknames for your baby. Sometimes the problem is caused by a virus (chicken pox, measles, rubella), sometimes it’s from contact with an irritant or allergen (poison ivy, diaper rash, insect bites), sometimes it’s a fungal infection (ringworm), and sometimes it’s an ongoing issue (warts, eczema). Often your baby or toddler will itch and scratch herself raw, but in many cases, she may not even be aware there’s something out of the ordinary going on.
When should I take my baby to see the doctor for a rash or skin problem?
Many rashes or skin problems are more of a cosmetic issue than a signal of any real concern (see: baby acne and warts). If she’s chronically itching or bothered by the rash or skin issue, definitely talk to her pediatrician. Otherwise, in many cases, the problem will simply clear up on its own. However, if her breathing is also affected (she’s wheezing or breathing rapidly or noticeably swelling in the face, lips or mouth), she may be having a severe allergic reaction and needs immediate medical attention. She’ll also need to see a doctor or hit the ER if she’s developed signs of meningitis (fever, stiff neck, vomiting or diarrhea, sensitive to light) along with her rash or blotchy skin.
What should I do to treat my baby’s rash or skin problem?
Because there’s an incredibly wide array of causes for rashes and other skin conditions, talk to your doctor first to determine what may be causing the problem. The doctor may suggest an over-the-counter cream or lotion to help alleviate symptoms and, in some cases, may prescribe something a little stronger. If the rash or skin condition is accompanied by other symptoms (fever, nausea, sore throat), you may need additional medications to fight whatever’s ailing baby, so speak with your doctor for details.
What’s a rash or skin problem for a baby?
Your baby or toddler’s skin is a billboard for what’s going on in the rest of her body — changes in it can be caused by anything from a food allergy to psoriasis. Most of the time, a rash or breakout is a perfectly normal occurrence, but occasionally, it can be a warning that there’s something more serious going on.
What could be causing my baby’s rash or skin problem?
There are as many causes of skin outbreaks as there are cute nicknames for your baby. Sometimes the problem is caused by a virus (chicken pox, measles, rubella), sometimes it’s from contact with an irritant or allergen (poison ivy, diaper rash, insect bites), sometimes it’s a fungal infection (ringworm), and sometimes it’s an ongoing issue (warts, eczema). Often your baby or toddler will itch and scratch herself raw, but in many cases, she may not even be aware there’s something out of the ordinary going on.
When should I take my baby to see the doctor for a rash or skin problem?
Many rashes or skin problems are more of a cosmetic issue than a signal of any real concern (see: baby acne and warts). If she’s chronically itching or bothered by the rash or skin issue, definitely talk to her pediatrician. Otherwise, in many cases, the problem will simply clear up on its own. However, if her breathing is also affected (she’s wheezing or breathing rapidly or noticeably swelling in the face, lips or mouth), she may be having a severe allergic reaction and needs immediate medical attention. She’ll also need to see a doctor or hit the ER if she’s developed signs of meningitis (fever, stiff neck, vomiting or diarrhea, sensitive to light) along with her rash or blotchy skin.
What should I do to treat my baby’s rash or skin problem?
Because there’s an incredibly wide array of causes for rashes and other skin conditions, talk to your doctor first to determine what may be causing the problem. The doctor may suggest an over-the-counter cream or lotion to help alleviate symptoms and, in some cases, may prescribe something a little stronger. If the rash or skin condition is accompanied by other symptoms (fever, nausea, sore throat), you may need additional medications to fight whatever’s ailing baby, so speak with your doctor for details.
Baby Symptoms
What is considered a baby pulling up her legs?
Does your baby seem like she’s trying to fold into the fetal position, pulling her legs up toward her chest? It could be a sign of something going on in her abdomen.
What could be causing my baby to pull up her legs?
Babies, um, toot all day long, and sometimes simply changing positions — like pulling her legs toward her chest — can help her pass that gas more comfortably. However, on rare occasions, pulling up the legs can be a sign of a serious medical condition called intussusception, which occurs when part of the intestine pulls into itself, like a telescope. This can block the passage of food and cut off blood supply to the area, and it can be very serious.
When should I bring my baby to the doctor if she’s pulling up her legs?
In most cases, your baby is simply trying to relieve herself of gas pains, and it (along with the gas) shall pass. However, if she’s crying loudly every few minutes and her cries are growing louder and longer, and if she has other symptoms like fever, vomiting or bloody or mucus-like stool, or appears otherwise severely out of sorts, you should immediately call your doctor.
What should I do to treat my baby when she’s pulling up her legs?
To treat gas, try gently rubbing your baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction or lay her facedown across your knees, gently moving your legs to massage her belly. You can also try burping her or holding her upright after feedings. If you suspect intussusception, call your doctor.
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Sleep Basic -Baby
Every baby is different, but there are some ways to up your chances of catching some z's. Here, what sleep experts Conner Herman and Kira Ryan have to say when it comes to maximizing baby's snooze-time.
Clear the clutter
Designate the nursery as a room for sleep, not play. Keep the area around the crib free of toys and other fun knickknacks. "Crib distractions confuse your baby," Herman says. “They'll make him or her wonder, ‘Is this a playpen, or is a place to sleep?’”
Start separating
Ryan recommends putting baby in his her own room for at least one nap a day to start. "This gets baby acclimated to his or her room, so when it's time to move in there, it's not a total change." A daily solo nap also helps baby and you get used to being apart—these little breaks are healthy and necessary. Even if baby sleeps in your room, Herman recommends putting up a screen or partition for separation. "If baby wakes up during the night and sees you, it's easy for him or her to rely on you to fall back asleep," Ryan says. And you'll all be happy later if baby's able to put himself or herself back to bed.
Stay cool
Baby sleeps best when the temperature is consistent and cool—between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. "Most moms actually keep the nursery too warm," Ryan says. Putting your crib in the right spot is also key. "Pick a location that isn't in the direct pathway of your air-conditioning or heating vents," Herman says. Sudden temperature changes will startle and disturb baby. Also, move the crib away from windows to protect baby from drafts and outside noise.
Dim the lights
Light signals daytime to baby, so blocking out the sun will help keep him or her snoozing. In fact, cut out all the extra light you can. That includes the night-light—babies aren't likely to fear the dark until at least 18 months. "On a scale of one to five, five being pitch black, your baby's room should be a four," Herman says. If baby's a nighttime nurser, attach a dimmer switch to a lamp and turn it on and off slowly for nighttime feedings.
Teach baby to sleep through
Some babies start sleeping through the night on his or her own, and others may need some nudging—“sleep teaching” as Ryan and Herman call it. This could happen at any age, but never before four months.
For some babies, teaching them to fall back asleep on his or her own may mean letting them cry for a few minutes before going to them in the middle of the night, or it may mean introducing a “lovey” for baby to cuddle with. “Baby might have some negative sleep associations,” Ryan says. “It’s about helping them create new, positive ones.”
Soothe with Sound
What baby hears (or doesn't) is just as important as what he or she does or doesn't see. Pick up a white noise machine to cancel out house noise, cars, and other distracting sounds (just don't turn it so high it could hurt baby's sensitive ears). Baby will begin to associate the constant and consistent sound with sleep. Some noise machines have lullaby, ocean, or other sound options, but simple white noise is fine—it'll bring baby back to being in the womb, and really, what's more soothing than memories of mommy's belly? Look for a portable machine so you’ll be able to recreate the sounds of the nursery while you're away from home.
Make a plan
Agree with your partner about what you’ll do when baby wakes in the middle of the night and who’ll do it. “The number one way to fail is not to have plan,” says Ryan. “Set a date on calendar to start and be consistent. That’ll make it so much easier for baby to learn.”
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Every baby is different, but there are some ways to up your chances of catching some z's. Here, what sleep experts Conner Herman and Kira Ryan have to say when it comes to maximizing baby's snooze-time.
Clear the clutter
Designate the nursery as a room for sleep, not play. Keep the area around the crib free of toys and other fun knickknacks. "Crib distractions confuse your baby," Herman says. “They'll make him or her wonder, ‘Is this a playpen, or is a place to sleep?’”
Start separating
Ryan recommends putting baby in his her own room for at least one nap a day to start. "This gets baby acclimated to his or her room, so when it's time to move in there, it's not a total change." A daily solo nap also helps baby and you get used to being apart—these little breaks are healthy and necessary. Even if baby sleeps in your room, Herman recommends putting up a screen or partition for separation. "If baby wakes up during the night and sees you, it's easy for him or her to rely on you to fall back asleep," Ryan says. And you'll all be happy later if baby's able to put himself or herself back to bed.
Stay cool
Baby sleeps best when the temperature is consistent and cool—between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. "Most moms actually keep the nursery too warm," Ryan says. Putting your crib in the right spot is also key. "Pick a location that isn't in the direct pathway of your air-conditioning or heating vents," Herman says. Sudden temperature changes will startle and disturb baby. Also, move the crib away from windows to protect baby from drafts and outside noise.
Dim the lights
Light signals daytime to baby, so blocking out the sun will help keep him or her snoozing. In fact, cut out all the extra light you can. That includes the night-light—babies aren't likely to fear the dark until at least 18 months. "On a scale of one to five, five being pitch black, your baby's room should be a four," Herman says. If baby's a nighttime nurser, attach a dimmer switch to a lamp and turn it on and off slowly for nighttime feedings.
Teach baby to sleep through
Some babies start sleeping through the night on his or her own, and others may need some nudging—“sleep teaching” as Ryan and Herman call it. This could happen at any age, but never before four months.
For some babies, teaching them to fall back asleep on his or her own may mean letting them cry for a few minutes before going to them in the middle of the night, or it may mean introducing a “lovey” for baby to cuddle with. “Baby might have some negative sleep associations,” Ryan says. “It’s about helping them create new, positive ones.”
Soothe with Sound
What baby hears (or doesn't) is just as important as what he or she does or doesn't see. Pick up a white noise machine to cancel out house noise, cars, and other distracting sounds (just don't turn it so high it could hurt baby's sensitive ears). Baby will begin to associate the constant and consistent sound with sleep. Some noise machines have lullaby, ocean, or other sound options, but simple white noise is fine—it'll bring baby back to being in the womb, and really, what's more soothing than memories of mommy's belly? Look for a portable machine so you’ll be able to recreate the sounds of the nursery while you're away from home.
Make a plan
Agree with your partner about what you’ll do when baby wakes in the middle of the night and who’ll do it. “The number one way to fail is not to have plan,” says Ryan. “Set a date on calendar to start and be consistent. That’ll make it so much easier for baby to learn.”
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Thursday, 7 April 2016
Do Stress reduce milk supply?
Stress usually won't reduce your milk supply. However, if you're feeling very stressed and it's interfering with how often you're feeding your baby, this may temporarily reduce your supply.
Our breastfeeding expert Sonali Shivlani says that in some cases, stress can affect the levels of oxytocin produced, which is the hormone responsible for the milk let-down. Hence it could affect how your milk comes out if not how much is produced.
Having a new baby and trying to learn how to breastfeed can be stressful. In the early days both you and your baby are learning about breastfeeding. Try to take things one day at a time, as it can take a while for you both to get the hang of it.
Your breasts produce milk to match your baby's demands. So try to feed your baby as often and for as long as he wants to boost your supply. You could also try expressing your milk after each feed. Removing leftover milk in your breasts will help you to produce more milk. Read our article on low milk supply for more help.
It could also be that you're struggling to get your baby latched on to your breast. If your baby isn't latching on well, he'll struggle to get enough of your milk. You may mistake this for a problem with your supply. Take a look at our visual guide to help you decide if your baby is latching on properly.
If you can, make things easier for yourself by asking your spouse or family member for help and support. During night feeds, your husband could help by passing your baby to you when he wakes for a feed, and burping and settling him afterwards. If your baby will take a bottle of expressed milk, your husband could share some feeds with you.
Experiencing breastfeeding problems such as painful breasts, blocked ducts and cracked nipples can add to your stress. Rest assured there are plenty of ways to get help. Ask your doctor or speak to a breastfeeding specialist, or look at our directory of breastfeeding organisations.
You could also ask your doctor if there's a breastfeeding support group near you. These groups are a great way to chat to other new mums and get advice on breastfeeding. Sharing and swapping experiences with other new mums in our community will help you realise that you're not alone.
Be assured that when you and your baby are breastfeeding happily, you will feel much more relaxed. You'll then be able to enjoy the special time you and your baby can have together during his feeds.
What is Milk Allergy and lactose intolerance?
Milk allergy and lactose intolerance are two very different things though one is often confused with the other.
Milk allergy is when your baby's immune system reacts to proteins in milk. It is a common allergy and babies who have eczema are more likely to suffer from it. In fact it is the most common food allergy during infancy all over the world and can occur in purely breast fed babies also.
Lactose intolerance is when your baby has difficulty digesting the lactose, or the sugar, found in milk. This is much rarer than milk allergy during early childhood although it can occur temporarily after a bout of gastroenteritis.
Milk allergy
Your baby can be exposed to cow milk protein either through cow's milk-based formula milk or through your breastmilk if you have drunk or eaten dairy produce. Even butter or ghee contain milk protein. If your baby is allergic to this protein, she might have an immediate reaction in which case you might notice the following symptoms:
her face will flush and show a rash
she's likely to have watery eyes and a stuffy nose
it's also possible she'll feel sick or have diarrhoea
you might notice blood in her stools
she might be extremely irritable and fussy
rarely, a baby may have a more serious reaction called anaphylaxis.
Though allergic reactions to milk can be immediate, delayed allergic reactions are common too. With a delayed reaction, you might notice that your baby has:
diarrhoea with or without blood
failure to thrive (not putting on enough weight)
These symptoms are common in early childhood and an allergy is only one possible explanation. Your doctor will be able to find out whether your baby has an allergy by doing a skin prick test or a blood test. But as with most allergies, the history you provide to the doctor and a physical examination of your baby are often enough for him to give a diagnosis.
If it is an allergy causing your baby’s symptoms and you are breastfeeding, your doctor will advise you to cut all dairy products from your diet including ghee, breads or biscuits made with milk solids and all other forms of dairy products.
If your baby is allergic to milk and is formula-fed, talk to your doctor before changing formula. It may not be the answer simply to switch to a soya-based product, because babies with milk allergies can react to this too. Almost 30 percent of babies who are allergic to milk will be allergic to soya as well. If your baby is allergic to both milk and soya, she will need a formula that is hypoallergenic, meaning she won't react to it.
It can take up to two weeks for your baby’s symptoms to disappear once you have stopped taking milk products or changed formula feed. But the good news is that most children will grow out of their milk allergy by the time they are three. You will know whether your baby is still allergic to milk only by reintroducing milk products to her diet very gradually and observing whether she reacts to them. Your doctor will guide you as to how and when to start doing this.
Lactose intolerance
If your baby is lactose intolerant, it means she has difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk. This happens when the body doesn’t produce enough lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose. The symptoms of lactose intolerance are:
abdominal pain
diarrhea, which can lead to a diaper rash
Your baby might develop lactose intolerance for a short period after she has had a stomach infection. This gets better on its own. Lactose intolerance is very common in adults (almost 70% of all adults in India have lactose intolerance) but it usually starts anytime after the age of 5 years. Lactose intolerance before that is very rare. Lactose intolerance is not life threatening but it is permanent.
If your baby is lactose intolerant and formula-fed, your doctor may advise you to give her lactose-free formula milk for a short time.
Lactose intolerant children who have started on solids can have some dairy products like yoghurt without any problem and small amounts of ice-cream, cheese, cottage cheese or paneer (unlike in the case of an allergy when all milk and milk products can trigger a reaction).
Milk allergy and lactose intolerance are two very different things though one is often confused with the other.
Milk allergy is when your baby's immune system reacts to proteins in milk. It is a common allergy and babies who have eczema are more likely to suffer from it. In fact it is the most common food allergy during infancy all over the world and can occur in purely breast fed babies also.
Lactose intolerance is when your baby has difficulty digesting the lactose, or the sugar, found in milk. This is much rarer than milk allergy during early childhood although it can occur temporarily after a bout of gastroenteritis.
Milk allergy
Your baby can be exposed to cow milk protein either through cow's milk-based formula milk or through your breastmilk if you have drunk or eaten dairy produce. Even butter or ghee contain milk protein. If your baby is allergic to this protein, she might have an immediate reaction in which case you might notice the following symptoms:
her face will flush and show a rash
she's likely to have watery eyes and a stuffy nose
it's also possible she'll feel sick or have diarrhoea
you might notice blood in her stools
she might be extremely irritable and fussy
rarely, a baby may have a more serious reaction called anaphylaxis.
Though allergic reactions to milk can be immediate, delayed allergic reactions are common too. With a delayed reaction, you might notice that your baby has:
diarrhoea with or without blood
failure to thrive (not putting on enough weight)
These symptoms are common in early childhood and an allergy is only one possible explanation. Your doctor will be able to find out whether your baby has an allergy by doing a skin prick test or a blood test. But as with most allergies, the history you provide to the doctor and a physical examination of your baby are often enough for him to give a diagnosis.
If it is an allergy causing your baby’s symptoms and you are breastfeeding, your doctor will advise you to cut all dairy products from your diet including ghee, breads or biscuits made with milk solids and all other forms of dairy products.
If your baby is allergic to milk and is formula-fed, talk to your doctor before changing formula. It may not be the answer simply to switch to a soya-based product, because babies with milk allergies can react to this too. Almost 30 percent of babies who are allergic to milk will be allergic to soya as well. If your baby is allergic to both milk and soya, she will need a formula that is hypoallergenic, meaning she won't react to it.
It can take up to two weeks for your baby’s symptoms to disappear once you have stopped taking milk products or changed formula feed. But the good news is that most children will grow out of their milk allergy by the time they are three. You will know whether your baby is still allergic to milk only by reintroducing milk products to her diet very gradually and observing whether she reacts to them. Your doctor will guide you as to how and when to start doing this.
Lactose intolerance
If your baby is lactose intolerant, it means she has difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk. This happens when the body doesn’t produce enough lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose. The symptoms of lactose intolerance are:
abdominal pain
diarrhea, which can lead to a diaper rash
Your baby might develop lactose intolerance for a short period after she has had a stomach infection. This gets better on its own. Lactose intolerance is very common in adults (almost 70% of all adults in India have lactose intolerance) but it usually starts anytime after the age of 5 years. Lactose intolerance before that is very rare. Lactose intolerance is not life threatening but it is permanent.
If your baby is lactose intolerant and formula-fed, your doctor may advise you to give her lactose-free formula milk for a short time.
Lactose intolerant children who have started on solids can have some dairy products like yoghurt without any problem and small amounts of ice-cream, cheese, cottage cheese or paneer (unlike in the case of an allergy when all milk and milk products can trigger a reaction).
When to introduce growing up milk?
If your baby is under a year old, don't feed her growing-up milk.
You may have seen growing-up milk in super markets, chemists and specialised baby care stores. However, growing-up milk is marketed as being suitable for toddlers aged between one and three.
Growing-up milk has vitamins, minerals and prebiotics added to it. It also has higher levels of iron than other formula milks. Once your baby is six months old, she can get all the iron she needs from a combination of solid food and breastmilk or formula milk.
Even when your baby reaches toddlerhood, she's not likely to need growing- up milk. There's no evidence that growing-up milk is any better for your child than cow's milk.
When your baby is a year old, she can have cow's milk as a main drink. By then, your baby will be gaining a large part of her nourishment from solid foods. And of course, if you and your baby are happy to continue breastfeeding, that's fine too. As long as she's having a variety of food, she should be getting all the minerals and vitamins she needs.
If you are concerned that your child isn't eating well or that she may have a nutrient deficiency, discuss it with your doctor. He may suggest vitamin drops or offer tips to enrich your baby's solids diet.
If your baby is under a year old, don't feed her growing-up milk.
You may have seen growing-up milk in super markets, chemists and specialised baby care stores. However, growing-up milk is marketed as being suitable for toddlers aged between one and three.
Growing-up milk has vitamins, minerals and prebiotics added to it. It also has higher levels of iron than other formula milks. Once your baby is six months old, she can get all the iron she needs from a combination of solid food and breastmilk or formula milk.
Even when your baby reaches toddlerhood, she's not likely to need growing- up milk. There's no evidence that growing-up milk is any better for your child than cow's milk.
When your baby is a year old, she can have cow's milk as a main drink. By then, your baby will be gaining a large part of her nourishment from solid foods. And of course, if you and your baby are happy to continue breastfeeding, that's fine too. As long as she's having a variety of food, she should be getting all the minerals and vitamins she needs.
If you are concerned that your child isn't eating well or that she may have a nutrient deficiency, discuss it with your doctor. He may suggest vitamin drops or offer tips to enrich your baby's solids diet.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Six Common Sleeping mistakes
1: Setting your expectations too high
You’ve probably heard about babies that sleep through the night at eight weeks or take two hour naps, twice a day. It’s hard not to wonder why your baby isn’t following suit.
It’s important to understand that all babies are different and that waking up at night is perfectly normal, and very common. Most babies are not able to sleep through the night without a feed until at least three months or four months old. Many babies wake for night-time feeds until they are at least six months old. So you’re not alone.
It’s also worth remembering that your baby isn’t able to tell the difference between night and day until he’s around two months to three months old. This doesn’t mean you can’t start teaching him the difference though, so make daytime feeds chatty and fun, and night-time feeds quiet and soothing.
2: Putting your baby to bed too late
When you've been at work all day, it can be tempting to keep your baby up so you can spend more time with him. Or maybe you hope he'll become so tired, he'll eventually flake out.
Whatever the reason, it's not a good idea to keep your child up. When babies get overtired they find it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. They tend to wake up earlier than if they went to bed at a more reasonable hour, too.
It’s much better to have a bedtime routine in place and stick to it. Don’t wait until your baby is yawning and rubbing his eyes to put it into action. Even 15 minutes to 20 minutes of extra sleep can make all the difference.
3: Relying on motion to send him off to sleep
Have you ever breathed a sigh of relief as your baby snoozes in his car seat or baby swing? While this can provide you with a well-deserved break, don't fall into the trap of relying on motion to get your baby to fall asleep. It's impractical to have to take your baby for a drive every night.
It's fine to use motion to soothe your baby if he's upset or fussy. Just don't make it part of his regular bedtime routine.
4: Over-stimulating your baby before bedtime
While you may have put a mobile above your baby's cot for comfort, the rotating toys, sounds and lights can be a distraction. Watching them may keep him awake rather than teach him that it's night-time.
It's much better to put your baby to sleep in a darkened room. Don't worry about him being afraid. He's too young to have developed night-time fears. A fan or white noise recording may also help, as it will muffle any noise from the rest of the house or outside.
Before, or as part of your bedtime routine, try to wind your baby down with relaxing rather than energetic games. Lullabies and gentle nursery rhymes will calm him and help him to understand that it’s time to sleep.
5: Skipping your baby’s bedtime routine
With a baby, you might assume that a routine consisting of a bath, a book and a lullaby isn't yet necessary. Or maybe you feel too tired some days to continue with it.
But having a series of calming, pleasing activities before bedtime is important, as it prepares your little one for sleep.
You can create any routine you like for your baby. Just make sure it's a series of relaxing steps that happen in the same order at about the same time every night.
If your baby still has an evening feed, try to place this at the start of your bedtime routine, rather than at the end, so that your baby doesn’t associate feeding with sleeping. This may help him to settle himself if he wakes up during the night.
6: Not being consistent with your baby
If you’ve decided to start sleep training your baby, it’s important to be consistent in how you handle his night-time wakings, as well as how you put him down to sleep every night. It’s tempting to revert to feeding to sleep, or rocking to sleep, especially when it seems nothing else will work.
Be confident that your baby will soon learn to self-settle if he’s given the chance. When he wakes up during the night, tell him it’s time to sleep. Gently shush and pat him to reassure him, then leave the room. You can return in a few minutes if he’s still not settling and repeat the process. You may have to do this dozens of times when you first start sleep training.
To help your baby understand when it’s bedtime, try to keep the same routine in place every night. A warm bath, a last breastfeed or bottle, a quiet game and a few lullabies will help your baby drift off to sleep.
1: Setting your expectations too high
You’ve probably heard about babies that sleep through the night at eight weeks or take two hour naps, twice a day. It’s hard not to wonder why your baby isn’t following suit.
It’s important to understand that all babies are different and that waking up at night is perfectly normal, and very common. Most babies are not able to sleep through the night without a feed until at least three months or four months old. Many babies wake for night-time feeds until they are at least six months old. So you’re not alone.
It’s also worth remembering that your baby isn’t able to tell the difference between night and day until he’s around two months to three months old. This doesn’t mean you can’t start teaching him the difference though, so make daytime feeds chatty and fun, and night-time feeds quiet and soothing.
2: Putting your baby to bed too late
When you've been at work all day, it can be tempting to keep your baby up so you can spend more time with him. Or maybe you hope he'll become so tired, he'll eventually flake out.
Whatever the reason, it's not a good idea to keep your child up. When babies get overtired they find it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. They tend to wake up earlier than if they went to bed at a more reasonable hour, too.
It’s much better to have a bedtime routine in place and stick to it. Don’t wait until your baby is yawning and rubbing his eyes to put it into action. Even 15 minutes to 20 minutes of extra sleep can make all the difference.
3: Relying on motion to send him off to sleep
Have you ever breathed a sigh of relief as your baby snoozes in his car seat or baby swing? While this can provide you with a well-deserved break, don't fall into the trap of relying on motion to get your baby to fall asleep. It's impractical to have to take your baby for a drive every night.
It's fine to use motion to soothe your baby if he's upset or fussy. Just don't make it part of his regular bedtime routine.
4: Over-stimulating your baby before bedtime
While you may have put a mobile above your baby's cot for comfort, the rotating toys, sounds and lights can be a distraction. Watching them may keep him awake rather than teach him that it's night-time.
It's much better to put your baby to sleep in a darkened room. Don't worry about him being afraid. He's too young to have developed night-time fears. A fan or white noise recording may also help, as it will muffle any noise from the rest of the house or outside.
Before, or as part of your bedtime routine, try to wind your baby down with relaxing rather than energetic games. Lullabies and gentle nursery rhymes will calm him and help him to understand that it’s time to sleep.
5: Skipping your baby’s bedtime routine
With a baby, you might assume that a routine consisting of a bath, a book and a lullaby isn't yet necessary. Or maybe you feel too tired some days to continue with it.
But having a series of calming, pleasing activities before bedtime is important, as it prepares your little one for sleep.
You can create any routine you like for your baby. Just make sure it's a series of relaxing steps that happen in the same order at about the same time every night.
If your baby still has an evening feed, try to place this at the start of your bedtime routine, rather than at the end, so that your baby doesn’t associate feeding with sleeping. This may help him to settle himself if he wakes up during the night.
6: Not being consistent with your baby
If you’ve decided to start sleep training your baby, it’s important to be consistent in how you handle his night-time wakings, as well as how you put him down to sleep every night. It’s tempting to revert to feeding to sleep, or rocking to sleep, especially when it seems nothing else will work.
Be confident that your baby will soon learn to self-settle if he’s given the chance. When he wakes up during the night, tell him it’s time to sleep. Gently shush and pat him to reassure him, then leave the room. You can return in a few minutes if he’s still not settling and repeat the process. You may have to do this dozens of times when you first start sleep training.
To help your baby understand when it’s bedtime, try to keep the same routine in place every night. A warm bath, a last breastfeed or bottle, a quiet game and a few lullabies will help your baby drift off to sleep.
Five Best Food For babies
1. Vegetables
Give your baby a wide variety of vegetables as soon as you start weaning. Starting your baby off with vegetables early may mean he carries on eating and enjoying them when he’s older.
Vegetables add colour, texture and variety to his meals. They’re high in vitamins, minerals and fibre too. Vegetables help healthy growth and development, and may help to protect against some diseases in the long term.
It's easier to give new vegetables to your baby from the start of weaning. If you wait until he’s older, he’s more likely to reject unknown foods and unfamiliar flavours. If your baby pulls a face when he first tries a new vegetable, it may not mean he dislikes it. He may just be surprised by the new taste.
Some vegetables, such as kale, brussels sprouts, and watercress, are full of goodness but have a strong flavour that your little one may need to learn to like. Don’t try to coax him into eating it if he doesn’t accept it at first. Be patient. Leave it off the menu for a few days and try again. You may need to offer new vegetables at least eight times before deciding that your baby doesn't like them.
Try tempting your baby with sweeter-tasting vegetables too, such as parsnip and sweet potato.
If your baby prefers finger foods rather than pureed or well-mashed foods, let him get on with it. He may like the feeling of being in control of his food rather than being spoon-fed. Try giving him cooked green beans, steamed broccoli florets, or soft-cooked fingers of carrot, for example.
2. Fish
You can give your baby well-mashed or flaked fish from six months onwards. Fish is particularly good for your baby. It’s a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish, particularly oily fish such as fresh salmon and mackerel, are important for your baby's brain development.
When you give your baby any fish, make sure it’s cooked thoroughly. It should begin to flake and be opaque. Always check the fish carefully and remove any bones.
There are some types of fish that your baby shouldn't eat. Shark, swordfish and marlin have traces of mercury in them, which may affect your baby’s growing nervous system.
If you're worried about food allergies, there’s no need to delay introducing fish. Rest assured that there's no evidence that introducing fish later on makes allergy less likely.
3. Poultry and red meat
Meat is an excellent source of protein and a good source of nutrients such as iron and zinc. It also contains a small amount of vitamin D. When your baby is six months or seven months, the stores of iron that he built up when you were pregnant are starting to run out. So it's important to introduce other sources of iron into his meals.
Once your baby is happily eating pureed or well-mashed fruit and vegetables, you can move on to poultry and red meat. Although you may not think of meat as an obvious weaning food, pureed or blended poultry or meat is a great food for your baby.
Start with soft, cooked poultry, such as chicken. Then you can introduce red meats, such as pork, beef or lamb.
Always take care to cook any meat thoroughly, until the juices run clear, and remove any bones.
4. Pulses and beans
Pulses and beans are another good source of protein and iron. They’re quick and easy to cook to a soft texture that your baby will be able to manage, and are good substitutes for meat or fish.
If your baby is eating a vegetarian diet, try to give him pulses, such as beans, lentils or chickpeas, twice a day. Other meat alternatives which are also good sources of protein are thoroughly cooked eggs or tofu.
Try mixing lentils or other cooked pulses, such as chickpeas, with vegetables or fruits to help your baby to absorb the iron in them. For example, you could try giving your baby well-mashed or pureed lentils with carrots or sweet potatoes. The vitamin C in the vegetables helps your baby's body to absorb the iron.
It’s fine to use tinned pulses and beans, but check the label to make sure there’s no added sugar or salt.
5. Milk
Although your baby is eating solid food, his regular milk is still an important food for him as a source of calcium and other nutrients.
When you first start introducing solid foods, your baby will be eating very small amounts of food, probably just one teaspoon or two teaspoons per meal. He’ll still be getting most of his nutrients from breastmilk or formula milk. So keep giving him regular breastfeeds, or between 500ml and 600ml of formula milk a day, as his main drink until he’s a year old.
You don’t need to give your baby follow-on milk. His usual milk and a variety of solid foods will give your growing baby all the nourishment he needs.
By the time your baby is a year old, he’ll be eating three meals a day, perhaps with one or two snacks in between. By then, you’ll find that he has dropped a milk feed or two. After that, you can give your baby cow's milk as a main drink if you want to.
1. Vegetables
Give your baby a wide variety of vegetables as soon as you start weaning. Starting your baby off with vegetables early may mean he carries on eating and enjoying them when he’s older.
Vegetables add colour, texture and variety to his meals. They’re high in vitamins, minerals and fibre too. Vegetables help healthy growth and development, and may help to protect against some diseases in the long term.
It's easier to give new vegetables to your baby from the start of weaning. If you wait until he’s older, he’s more likely to reject unknown foods and unfamiliar flavours. If your baby pulls a face when he first tries a new vegetable, it may not mean he dislikes it. He may just be surprised by the new taste.
Some vegetables, such as kale, brussels sprouts, and watercress, are full of goodness but have a strong flavour that your little one may need to learn to like. Don’t try to coax him into eating it if he doesn’t accept it at first. Be patient. Leave it off the menu for a few days and try again. You may need to offer new vegetables at least eight times before deciding that your baby doesn't like them.
Try tempting your baby with sweeter-tasting vegetables too, such as parsnip and sweet potato.
If your baby prefers finger foods rather than pureed or well-mashed foods, let him get on with it. He may like the feeling of being in control of his food rather than being spoon-fed. Try giving him cooked green beans, steamed broccoli florets, or soft-cooked fingers of carrot, for example.
2. Fish
You can give your baby well-mashed or flaked fish from six months onwards. Fish is particularly good for your baby. It’s a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish, particularly oily fish such as fresh salmon and mackerel, are important for your baby's brain development.
When you give your baby any fish, make sure it’s cooked thoroughly. It should begin to flake and be opaque. Always check the fish carefully and remove any bones.
There are some types of fish that your baby shouldn't eat. Shark, swordfish and marlin have traces of mercury in them, which may affect your baby’s growing nervous system.
If you're worried about food allergies, there’s no need to delay introducing fish. Rest assured that there's no evidence that introducing fish later on makes allergy less likely.
3. Poultry and red meat
Meat is an excellent source of protein and a good source of nutrients such as iron and zinc. It also contains a small amount of vitamin D. When your baby is six months or seven months, the stores of iron that he built up when you were pregnant are starting to run out. So it's important to introduce other sources of iron into his meals.
Once your baby is happily eating pureed or well-mashed fruit and vegetables, you can move on to poultry and red meat. Although you may not think of meat as an obvious weaning food, pureed or blended poultry or meat is a great food for your baby.
Start with soft, cooked poultry, such as chicken. Then you can introduce red meats, such as pork, beef or lamb.
Always take care to cook any meat thoroughly, until the juices run clear, and remove any bones.
4. Pulses and beans
Pulses and beans are another good source of protein and iron. They’re quick and easy to cook to a soft texture that your baby will be able to manage, and are good substitutes for meat or fish.
If your baby is eating a vegetarian diet, try to give him pulses, such as beans, lentils or chickpeas, twice a day. Other meat alternatives which are also good sources of protein are thoroughly cooked eggs or tofu.
Try mixing lentils or other cooked pulses, such as chickpeas, with vegetables or fruits to help your baby to absorb the iron in them. For example, you could try giving your baby well-mashed or pureed lentils with carrots or sweet potatoes. The vitamin C in the vegetables helps your baby's body to absorb the iron.
It’s fine to use tinned pulses and beans, but check the label to make sure there’s no added sugar or salt.
5. Milk
Although your baby is eating solid food, his regular milk is still an important food for him as a source of calcium and other nutrients.
When you first start introducing solid foods, your baby will be eating very small amounts of food, probably just one teaspoon or two teaspoons per meal. He’ll still be getting most of his nutrients from breastmilk or formula milk. So keep giving him regular breastfeeds, or between 500ml and 600ml of formula milk a day, as his main drink until he’s a year old.
You don’t need to give your baby follow-on milk. His usual milk and a variety of solid foods will give your growing baby all the nourishment he needs.
By the time your baby is a year old, he’ll be eating three meals a day, perhaps with one or two snacks in between. By then, you’ll find that he has dropped a milk feed or two. After that, you can give your baby cow's milk as a main drink if you want to.
When can I give my newborn a bath?
Your baby needs to stay warm, so he won’t have a bath straight after he’s born. Your midwife will just wipe your baby and dry him using clean, warm towels. If your baby has creamy, white vernix on his skin, your midwife will take care to leave it on. Vernix is a natural skin cleanser and helps your baby's skin barrier to develop.
If you want to, you can give your baby a bath two hours after the birth. Just as long as your baby is healthy and full-term, his body temperature is normal, and the room is warm.
In some hospitals and birth centres, your midwife may help you to bathe your baby. However, you’ll probably give your baby his first bath some time after you get home.
When should I start giving my baby regular baths?
It's up to you. You may enjoy giving your baby a bath from day one. Or you may find it simpler to top and tail your baby using cotton wool and a warm, damp flannel or sponge.
You can carry on topping and tailing for the first week or so. You may feel you need time to recover from the birth and get used to handling your baby before you are ready to bathe him.
Newborns can lose body heat very quickly. So your baby's first bath should be quick but thorough, and last no longer than five minutes to 10 minutes. Make sure the room is warm, and close any doors and windows to stop draughts. Have warmed towels at the ready to wrap your baby up and cuddle him afterwards.
It's fine to give your baby a bath before his umbilical cord stump has fallen off and healed. Bathing your baby won't make an infection in the stump more likely, and it won’t slow down the healing process. Just be sure that you allow it to dry off properly afterwards.
For the first few weeks, you can bathe your baby using just water, or a little mild liquid baby cleanser. If your baby's skin is dry, you can add some baby bath emollient to the water. Bear in mind that the emollient will make your baby slippery to handle.
How often will my baby need a bath?
It’s up to you how often you give your baby a bath. Newborns don't need a bath every day, as they don’t get very dirty. Bathing him two or three times a week is fine during the month or so. Frequent baths may lead to dry skin, depending on what you use in the bath.
Bear in mind that if you live in a hard water area, too much tap water on its own may dry out your baby’s skin.
Your baby needs to stay warm, so he won’t have a bath straight after he’s born. Your midwife will just wipe your baby and dry him using clean, warm towels. If your baby has creamy, white vernix on his skin, your midwife will take care to leave it on. Vernix is a natural skin cleanser and helps your baby's skin barrier to develop.
If you want to, you can give your baby a bath two hours after the birth. Just as long as your baby is healthy and full-term, his body temperature is normal, and the room is warm.
In some hospitals and birth centres, your midwife may help you to bathe your baby. However, you’ll probably give your baby his first bath some time after you get home.
When should I start giving my baby regular baths?
It's up to you. You may enjoy giving your baby a bath from day one. Or you may find it simpler to top and tail your baby using cotton wool and a warm, damp flannel or sponge.
You can carry on topping and tailing for the first week or so. You may feel you need time to recover from the birth and get used to handling your baby before you are ready to bathe him.
Newborns can lose body heat very quickly. So your baby's first bath should be quick but thorough, and last no longer than five minutes to 10 minutes. Make sure the room is warm, and close any doors and windows to stop draughts. Have warmed towels at the ready to wrap your baby up and cuddle him afterwards.
It's fine to give your baby a bath before his umbilical cord stump has fallen off and healed. Bathing your baby won't make an infection in the stump more likely, and it won’t slow down the healing process. Just be sure that you allow it to dry off properly afterwards.
For the first few weeks, you can bathe your baby using just water, or a little mild liquid baby cleanser. If your baby's skin is dry, you can add some baby bath emollient to the water. Bear in mind that the emollient will make your baby slippery to handle.
How often will my baby need a bath?
It’s up to you how often you give your baby a bath. Newborns don't need a bath every day, as they don’t get very dirty. Bathing him two or three times a week is fine during the month or so. Frequent baths may lead to dry skin, depending on what you use in the bath.
Bear in mind that if you live in a hard water area, too much tap water on its own may dry out your baby’s skin.
when can i introduce a pacifier or dummy to baby?
It depends. If you're breastfeeding it's a good idea to wait until your baby's at least six weeks. This way, you can establish a good breastfeeding routine first. This is important because experts think that dummies may cause nipple confusion.
Sucking a dummy is a very different action from breastfeeding. Swapping from one to the other may confuse your newborn, making breastfeeding more difficult. However, some babies do seem to cope with both the dummy and the breast, so it can very much depend on your baby.
Most babies don’t need a dummy. They'll be content with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, and lots of cuddles. However, some babies do enjoy sucking on something for added comfort. Your baby may even find her thumb to suck soon after birth.
If you do choose to use a dummy, look for an orthodontic model. These are better for your baby's developing teeth and gums. Latex dummies are softer and more flexible than silicone ones, but they don't last as long.
Buy a few dummies so you can switch them often. Be sure to sterilise them before giving them to your baby. Some come with holders to keep them clean when they're not in use. Check your baby's dummies regularly and throw them away at the first sign of wear.
It's best to start weaning your baby off her dummies from about six months. This should avoid any effect on the way her teeth grow and develop. Using a dummy past 12 months isn't recommended. Try not to worry if your baby still uses her dummy past this age, though. Limiting use to when your baby's upset or over-tired may help to gradually wean her off it.
It depends. If you're breastfeeding it's a good idea to wait until your baby's at least six weeks. This way, you can establish a good breastfeeding routine first. This is important because experts think that dummies may cause nipple confusion.
Sucking a dummy is a very different action from breastfeeding. Swapping from one to the other may confuse your newborn, making breastfeeding more difficult. However, some babies do seem to cope with both the dummy and the breast, so it can very much depend on your baby.
Most babies don’t need a dummy. They'll be content with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, and lots of cuddles. However, some babies do enjoy sucking on something for added comfort. Your baby may even find her thumb to suck soon after birth.
If you do choose to use a dummy, look for an orthodontic model. These are better for your baby's developing teeth and gums. Latex dummies are softer and more flexible than silicone ones, but they don't last as long.
Buy a few dummies so you can switch them often. Be sure to sterilise them before giving them to your baby. Some come with holders to keep them clean when they're not in use. Check your baby's dummies regularly and throw them away at the first sign of wear.
It's best to start weaning your baby off her dummies from about six months. This should avoid any effect on the way her teeth grow and develop. Using a dummy past 12 months isn't recommended. Try not to worry if your baby still uses her dummy past this age, though. Limiting use to when your baby's upset or over-tired may help to gradually wean her off it.
When can I let my baby sleep alone?
Its best that your baby sleeps in the same room as you for his first six months.
Most parents choose to put their newborn in a cot or Moses basket beside their bed. That's because until they are at least two months old, babies have trouble settling themselves and need their parents to comfort them.
You can buy cots that can be raised and lowered so that they're reasonably level with your own bed. This makes tending to your baby in the small hours, when you're half asleep, much easier.
When you're ready to move your baby from a bedside cot to a separate cot, try to do it gradually. Start by having the cot near your bed, then, if you have the space, move the cot further away.
You may find that as your baby grows it's hard to sleep if he coos and makes gurgling noises through the night.
This is when a baby monitor is good for bringing you peace of mind. It means that, when you and your baby are ready, you can move your baby's cot to the next room.
With a monitor in your room and one in his room, you'll be able to hear any gurgling or crying that may need your attention.
Its best that your baby sleeps in the same room as you for his first six months.
Most parents choose to put their newborn in a cot or Moses basket beside their bed. That's because until they are at least two months old, babies have trouble settling themselves and need their parents to comfort them.
You can buy cots that can be raised and lowered so that they're reasonably level with your own bed. This makes tending to your baby in the small hours, when you're half asleep, much easier.
When you're ready to move your baby from a bedside cot to a separate cot, try to do it gradually. Start by having the cot near your bed, then, if you have the space, move the cot further away.
You may find that as your baby grows it's hard to sleep if he coos and makes gurgling noises through the night.
This is when a baby monitor is good for bringing you peace of mind. It means that, when you and your baby are ready, you can move your baby's cot to the next room.
With a monitor in your room and one in his room, you'll be able to hear any gurgling or crying that may need your attention.
My baby never seems to stop crying. What should I do?
If you find it difficult to hear your baby cry, you aren't alone. Most parents find it hard. But crying is simply your baby's main means of communicating. Responding to your baby is the best way to help him relax.
Babies tend to cry more between the ages of three weeks and 12 weeks, usually in the late afternoon or early evening. While this is a normal, developmental phase, it's only natural to worry about this end-of-day crying. But try to see it as a period of letting off steam. One study showed that babies who fussed a lot in the evenings usually slept better afterwards.
You may find that a good approach is to run through the following basics just once, then pause. So, change your baby's nappy, give him a cuddle and burp him, and check that he's not hungry or in pain. Then put him down for about five minutes. You can attend to him if he's still fussing, but put him down again afterwards. Bear in mind this pattern may go on for quite a while, but some mums find it helpful to follow this routine.
If your baby cries for more than three hours a day, three days a week for three weeks , then this is classed as excessive crying. It's often referred to as colic and it can be stressful for you and your partner. Your baby may benefit from gentle, slow handling. And you may find he's more relaxed if you put him down with your hand on his belly, rather than holding him.
It can be hard to keep calm when your baby cries. You may find it helpful to get support from friends or family, if possible. But reminding yourself that your newborn's behaviour is normal may help you feel less anxious. Most babies cry less after about three months.
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If you find it difficult to hear your baby cry, you aren't alone. Most parents find it hard. But crying is simply your baby's main means of communicating. Responding to your baby is the best way to help him relax.
Babies tend to cry more between the ages of three weeks and 12 weeks, usually in the late afternoon or early evening. While this is a normal, developmental phase, it's only natural to worry about this end-of-day crying. But try to see it as a period of letting off steam. One study showed that babies who fussed a lot in the evenings usually slept better afterwards.
You may find that a good approach is to run through the following basics just once, then pause. So, change your baby's nappy, give him a cuddle and burp him, and check that he's not hungry or in pain. Then put him down for about five minutes. You can attend to him if he's still fussing, but put him down again afterwards. Bear in mind this pattern may go on for quite a while, but some mums find it helpful to follow this routine.
If your baby cries for more than three hours a day, three days a week for three weeks , then this is classed as excessive crying. It's often referred to as colic and it can be stressful for you and your partner. Your baby may benefit from gentle, slow handling. And you may find he's more relaxed if you put him down with your hand on his belly, rather than holding him.
It can be hard to keep calm when your baby cries. You may find it helpful to get support from friends or family, if possible. But reminding yourself that your newborn's behaviour is normal may help you feel less anxious. Most babies cry less after about three months.
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How do I know if my newborn wants something?
Does he want to be fed?
Your baby is likely to make a particular sound or cry when he's hungry. If so, you'll soon learn to identify it. He may also suck on his hands, fingers or fists.
You may notice your baby turning his head strongly to one side while opening his mouth. This is called rooting.
Does he need to sleep?
Your newborn will probably fuss or cry when he needs to sleep. He may stare with glazed eyes before drifting off, or he may suddenly look quite pale. Other signs to look out for include a lack of interest in playing and not responding to you or what's happening around him.
Is he bored or lonely?
While your newborn will be interested in playing with you from birth, he doesn't need constant entertainment. He'll tell you when he's ready to play by becoming calm and alert, and looking at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
If you notice him trying to find things to look at, this may be a sign that he's feeling bored or lonely. He may open his mouth into an "oo" shape or make noises as if to call you.
In the first few weeks, the best toy for your baby is your face and voice. Try holding him about a foot away and sticking out your tongue. He may copy you! Give him plenty of time to respond before you change your expression. It may take him a while to work out what to do.
Does he have wind?
If your baby has wind, he may cry, fuss or seem agitated. He may screw up his face as though he's in pain, pull his knees up to his stomach or kick his legs.
Is a wet or soiled nappy making him uncomfortable?
Your baby may not mind having a wet or soiled nappy, but some babies really don't like it. If this is the case with your baby, he'll probably let you know by crying or being restless. He may also have more subtle ways of telling you such as becoming pale or red in the face, looking away or losing interest in playing.
Is he too hot or too cold?
You can check your baby's temperature by feeling the back of his neck. Look at his skin colour, too. If it's mottled with patches of red and blue, it may mean his body's trying to adjust to the right temperature.
Your baby needs to wear enough clothes to feel warm, but not hot. Dress him in layers. If he becomes too hot you can remove a layer. If he is too cold, simply add one.
Is he overstimulated?
Some babies are easily overwhelmed, and can only cope with short bursts of play. Your baby may show you he's had enough stimulation by sneezing, yawning, looking pale or very red, or looking away. He may seem drowsy or start to fuss, cry, or push you away.
While your baby was born with the ability to self-soothe, he may still find it hard to settle down when he's overwhelmed. When he was curled up in your womb (uterus), he probably found it easy to suck his hands or fingers and soothe himself to sleep. But after he's born it may not be as easy for him to reach them!
By watching your baby's movements, you can tell if he likes to put his fist, hand or fingers near or into his mouth. You can also try holding him calmly in your arms or over your shoulder. Or put him down in a quiet place with your hand resting gently on his belly.
You'll learn if he likes to lie in a particular way, or if it helps him to look at something. Once you know what works for him, you can help him to develop his natural self-soothing techniques.
Does he want to be fed?
Your baby is likely to make a particular sound or cry when he's hungry. If so, you'll soon learn to identify it. He may also suck on his hands, fingers or fists.
You may notice your baby turning his head strongly to one side while opening his mouth. This is called rooting.
Does he need to sleep?
Your newborn will probably fuss or cry when he needs to sleep. He may stare with glazed eyes before drifting off, or he may suddenly look quite pale. Other signs to look out for include a lack of interest in playing and not responding to you or what's happening around him.
Is he bored or lonely?
While your newborn will be interested in playing with you from birth, he doesn't need constant entertainment. He'll tell you when he's ready to play by becoming calm and alert, and looking at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
If you notice him trying to find things to look at, this may be a sign that he's feeling bored or lonely. He may open his mouth into an "oo" shape or make noises as if to call you.
In the first few weeks, the best toy for your baby is your face and voice. Try holding him about a foot away and sticking out your tongue. He may copy you! Give him plenty of time to respond before you change your expression. It may take him a while to work out what to do.
Does he have wind?
If your baby has wind, he may cry, fuss or seem agitated. He may screw up his face as though he's in pain, pull his knees up to his stomach or kick his legs.
Is a wet or soiled nappy making him uncomfortable?
Your baby may not mind having a wet or soiled nappy, but some babies really don't like it. If this is the case with your baby, he'll probably let you know by crying or being restless. He may also have more subtle ways of telling you such as becoming pale or red in the face, looking away or losing interest in playing.
Is he too hot or too cold?
You can check your baby's temperature by feeling the back of his neck. Look at his skin colour, too. If it's mottled with patches of red and blue, it may mean his body's trying to adjust to the right temperature.
Your baby needs to wear enough clothes to feel warm, but not hot. Dress him in layers. If he becomes too hot you can remove a layer. If he is too cold, simply add one.
Is he overstimulated?
Some babies are easily overwhelmed, and can only cope with short bursts of play. Your baby may show you he's had enough stimulation by sneezing, yawning, looking pale or very red, or looking away. He may seem drowsy or start to fuss, cry, or push you away.
While your baby was born with the ability to self-soothe, he may still find it hard to settle down when he's overwhelmed. When he was curled up in your womb (uterus), he probably found it easy to suck his hands or fingers and soothe himself to sleep. But after he's born it may not be as easy for him to reach them!
By watching your baby's movements, you can tell if he likes to put his fist, hand or fingers near or into his mouth. You can also try holding him calmly in your arms or over your shoulder. Or put him down in a quiet place with your hand resting gently on his belly.
You'll learn if he likes to lie in a particular way, or if it helps him to look at something. Once you know what works for him, you can help him to develop his natural self-soothing techniques.
How can I tell what mood my newborn's in?
You can learn a lot about your baby's mood by how he responds to sights, sounds and touch. You'll probably notice that his behaviour falls into one of six different states at any given time:- Deep sleep. Your baby's eyes will be closed and still. His breathing will be regular and he may make the occasional startle.
- Light sleep. This is also known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Your baby's eyes will be closed, but they may open briefly. He may move, startle and make the occasional sucking motion.
- Drowsy. This is your baby's semi-dozing state. He's not fully asleep, but he's nearly there. His eyes open now and then, and his movements are smooth.
- Alert. Your baby's eyes will be open. His attention will be focused and he'll be still.
- Active and alert. Your baby will be bright-eyed. He'll move around and may make brief, fussy cries and startles.
- Crying. Your baby will cry hard in this state. He may squirm around and be difficult to soothe.
You may notice that your baby can't do some things while in a certain state. For example, he may not feed well if he's in a light sleep. Or he may not want to play when he's crying.
5 Signs That Your Baby Is Hungry
Rooting towards chest
Starts sucking tumbs or fists
Crying or coos continuously 'mmmmhh'
Opening and closing mouth
Licking and sucking toys and cloths
Every mother wants to be sure that her baby is fed and content – no-one would ever want their baby to go hungry. Unfortunately our babies cannot tell us if they are hungry with words, but babies do have hunger cues which can help you to give your baby what he or she needs. Many parents assume that crying means their baby is hungry, however crying is actually a late hunger signal – and your baby will definitely let you know that they’re not happy about it! - See more at:
11 Signs That Your Baby Is Ill
Raise in body temperature
Dehydration or sore throat
Running watery stools or diarrhea
Restless crying or feeing uncomfortable for a long time

Blocked nose or running nose.
Cold Feet and Cold hands
Redness or rash on baby bottom
Sleeping for a long time than usual
Being quiet and sleepy /drowsy/inactive than normal
Starts to immitate parents gesture and activites
Shortness of breathing,Blood spots on stools
Can understand well.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Friday, 1 April 2016
Food Allergy with babies
Sugar /Honey
Finger foods help your baby to start self feeding.Everytime you can notice your baby is trying hold feeding bottle,baby bowls and spoons during feeding.This indicates your little one enjoys to feed independently.Finger foods can be fruits or veggies boiled and cut into the size of little finger.Many used to give biscuits and chocolates as finger foods.This inturn spoils your baby teeth.Finger foods help teething baby to get relived from sore gums and aches.
Shark,Prawn,Mussels,Shell Fish and Sword Fish
Finger foods help your baby to start self feeding.Everytime you can notice your baby is trying hold feeding bottle,baby bowls and spoons during feeding.This indicates your little one enjoys to feed independently.Finger foods can be fruits or veggies boiled and cut into the size of little finger.Many used to give biscuits and chocolates as finger foods.This inturn spoils your baby teeth.Finger foods help teething baby to get relived from sore gums and aches.
High Saturated Foods
Finger foods help your baby to start self feeding.Everytime you can notice your baby is trying hold feeding bottle,baby bowls and spoons during feeding.This indicates your little one enjoys to feed independently.Finger foods can be fruits or veggies boiled and cut into the size of little finger.Many used to give biscuits and chocolates as finger foods.This inturn spoils your baby teeth.Finger foods help teething baby to get relived from sore gums and aches.
Finger foods help your baby to start self feeding.Everytime you can notice your baby is trying hold feeding bottle,baby bowls and spoons during feeding.This indicates your little one enjoys to feed independently.Finger foods can be fruits or veggies boiled and cut into the size of little finger.Many used to give biscuits and chocolates as finger foods.This inturn spoils your baby teeth.Finger foods help teething baby to get relived from sore gums and aches.http://www.babyandn
Friday, 11 March 2016
Friday, 4 March 2016
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
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